RAW Magdeburg - This is what the mega residential project should look like in five years

Around 2,000 new apartments in Magdeburg, plus shopping opportunities, restaurants and social facilities: what is to be built on the RAW Wasteland has now been presented to the citizens. 

From industrial wasteland to a lively residential, working and recreational area: what a major investor wants to build on the former site of the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (RAW) for around 700 million Euros sounds promising. As part of a citizens' meeting on Tuesday, February 27th, those interested could not only stroll around the site and take a look at the huge wagon hall, which is to be saved from decay. They were then able to view visualizations that gave a taste of a modern, mixed district. But there were also critical voices.

When the credits of the short video rolled in the Salbke Tower Park, there was applause. The plans for the industrial wasteland, which had been derelict for decades, were well received by the majority of residents. The southeast of Magdeburg will change in the next few years. 2,000 new apartments are planned here. People moving here will also be able to shop in the new district, play sports in the sports center with a planned swimming pool, experience culture, experience culture in squares and experience gastronomy.

The offers should not only be aimed at residents of the Ramburg district, but also at all Magdeburgers and guests. A hotel, a daycare center, an international school and a hospital are also planned.

What sounds so pleasant to potential residents and guests is, however, less well received by residents. They criticized additional traffic flows. They fear that “their” streets will be overloaded with parking spaces and that the three planned high-rise buildings will be a nuisance.

The demand to preserve, renovate and put the monuments to modern use met with a positive response. A market hall is to be built in the 45,000 square meter former wagon hall. The former boiler house could become a museum, the control room a sports center. A large, busy space is planned around the boiler house. Car traffic is largely ignored here. Several mobility centers are planned for parking. Traffic is allowed on some roads, but not on others. A new access road from Alt-Salbke-Straße and Faulmannstraße will lead into the area.

The documents for the preliminary draft of the development plan for the “former RAW site” will be published online on the city’s website under citizens’ and residents’ meetings by March 1, 2024, but also in the further B-Plan process.

Author - Von Sabine Lindenau